STI Near 3000, Downtrend Obvious, Time to Pick Stocks.

Here are 3 interesting observations happening in the Singapore Stock Market:

STI Drop Near To 3000 Level
"Singapore analysts target STI will go 4000 level at this year end 2008 and 3000 is the expected low for 2008 but right now we already see STI at near 3000 today. Not sure how low STI will go? We shall watch."

Yes the downtrend is happening a little earlier than expected.

Downtrend in Process

"Today was another red day for the STI. Most counters were not spared and
plunged heavily. However, there is always hope in this plunge as a lot of
counters which are overvalued are starting to look cheaper and it's a great
time to pick up counters

Here is one counter to look out for:

Singapore Petroeluem Company

"SPC - In a channel, but broke above a downsloping trendline."

SPC last done at S$6.70. Buy Signal? It may go lower tomorrow. I am keeping mine for the long term and attractive dividends.


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