Let the Profits Run

Nearly every stock in my portfolio is up this morning at the opening.

I guess it is because of the lifting of circuit breaker lockdown... It's day 2.

Is there any stock that is going down?

Is there a buying opportunity? It could be SGX at $8.27 or lower. There is a high possibility that the price may go down further. 

Is there a selling opportunity? Not today, let the prophets run.

Looking at the charts, I wished I could have bought more.

What did I learn?
  • When I see an opportunity to buy with a huge potential margin of profit, buy at the current price. My mistake was to queue at a lower price which eventually never happened.
  • If the stocks I bought go down instead of up, buy some more when it goes below - $100. Do the dollar-cost averaging strategy.
  • Sell when the price hits $300 or when the price hits the ceiling and show no possibility of any higher price point.

DEFINITION of Let Your Profits Run

Let your profits run is an expression that encourages traders to resist the tendency to sell winning positions too early. The flipside of letting profits run is to cut losses early. The way to make money as a trader, according to many, is to follow both of these pieces of advice. - https://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/letyourprofitrun.asp

Adrian's Journal


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