Singapore Stock Market Rally 2020

Prices open high and shooting up the morning.

Is it time to sell? Or let the profits run?

Is it normal for prices to go back to normal when we are still in a recession?

Will there be another huge drop coming?

There might be. 

So let's spot a stock in my portfolio to sell. One that is unusually high.
  • Venture at S$16.50?
  • Ascendas REIT at S$3.19?
  • Sasseur REIT at S$0.79?
  • Mapletree logistics trust at S$1.92?
Did I just spot a buy opportunity?
  • Valuetronics at $0.60?
Something went wrong toward 10am.

Profit taking. Prices going down.

I saw some stocks hitting way above my target sell price.

Then I decided to let the profits run.

Lo and behold! The prices went the other way.

Lesson learned:
  • Never let profits run
  • Sell at sell target price
  • Stock with the formula
  • Don't be greedy.
  • Don't feel regret.

Adrian's Journal


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