Do Traders Make More Money Than Investors

Trading has come to a grinding halt.

All my disposable capital is stuck in a market that is not moving up.

I can't even buy anymore when they are down.

I just have to sit and wait for the day COVID-19 vaccine is available.

 That's when the market will shoot up.

Now I know why traders cut losses.

So I guess I am not a trader but an investor.

A long term investor... 12-year investor to be exact.

The financial crisis seems to come every 12 years. 

I don't have much of 12 years left ahead of me.

It's time to become a trader.

So... Do Traders Make More Money Than Investors?

Basically, both will make as much money.

The trader makes the money faster, maybe in minutes, but more stressful. They buy to sell. They cut losses.

The investor makes the money slower,  up to decades, but more relaxed. They buy to hold. They hold losses and hope.


Adrian's Journal
The rookie trader


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