Supertrend Trading Journal 2021 Mar 18 - CXW
1 hour before the market opens...
How's my purchasing power today?
- I can buy only 0 stock today.
Are any stocks in my Yahoo Finance watchlist meeting my Supertrend buy criteria?
- MRK. Buy at $77.30?
Any stocks from to buy?
- None.
Any stocks from pre-market big movers listed by CNBC?
- None.
Any tips from TraderTV Live?
- Starbucks, IPO - TUYA, FORD
What's SwaggyStocks saying about Wallstreetbets ticker sentiment?
Market opens...
Which stock in hand can I sell?
What can I Buy?
- None
Where is it moving next?
- Tech
See you at 3 pm closing time.
3 pm - 1 hour before the market closes...
Is there any stock to buy?
- None
Check my watch list.
- None
Check market movers and related stocks.
- None. I need a screener.
Is there any stock I can sell?
- None.
Check Finviz screener.
Check SwaggyStocks and WSB.
See you tomorrow.
~ Rookie Trader
PS: I would like to thank the following...
- For the charts...
- For the analysis...
- For the supertrend screener...
- For the sharing...
PS: What did I learn today?
What did I learn previously?
- I need a supertrend screener.
- I missed many buy signals in the travel industry. So please Monitor all related big movers every day.
- 3 to 4 pm is the best time to buy supertrend signals.
- Remove emotion from the equation.
- Sell. Don't hold. Don't be greedy.
- Sell when the target is hit. Don't hold.
- I need a cut-loss strategy.
- If I don't sell, I will have no capital to buy.
- I have a problem deciding whether to sell or hold.
- I should have held the stock that rose 100% times up.
- It's easy to buy them using a supertrend buy signal.
- 10% is my target but is there a way to tell it will rise higher?
- Let's try this after hitting 10%...
- If the price is above the next black pivot point, then hold.
- If the price touches the next pivot point first resistance, then all the more hold.